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Is CBD Oil and Hemp Oil the Same Thing?



The range of terminology under the umbrella of the rising cannabis, hemp and CBD trend is vast, to say the least.

Jargon such as Marijuana, Weed, Hemp, Cannabis, CBD and THC are just some of the terms that are thrown about most often, and this raises questions, with the difference between CBD and hemp oil one of the most common ones.

Is CBD Oil and Hemp Oil the Same Thing? CBD oil is a compound that is exclusively found in the cannabis plant (a cannabinoid). Hemp seed oil is a carrier oil similar to olive oil, as it is extracted from seeds. It contains no CBD or any other cannabinoids like THC.

Many variables have to be considered with CBD because it depends on the product, the quality of it and how some people metabolize CBD differently, just as with any biohacking supplement.

What is CBD oil?

In the cannabis plant, there are many cannabinoids. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) are most often talked about. These two cannabinoids share the same chemical formula but are arranged differently, meaning that THC gives you a ‘high’ and CBD does not.

There are two receptors for cannabinoids in the human body (CB1 and CB2 receptors) the body also produces its own cannabinoids. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and are linked with many functions including coordination, movement, emotions, mood, appetite, memories and pain.

This explains how THC gives you a ‘high’ which in turn affects these functions, as it attaches to the CB1 receptors. CB2 receptors are found in the immune system, they affect pain and inflammation.

It was once believed that CBD attached to these receptors, but recent research and studies show this to not be the case.

Instead, CBD actually helps the body to use more of its own cannabinoids. Its health benefits are explained by how it is used in the body.

The cannabinoids, which it helps to use more efficiently, have an anti-inflammatory effect, meaning they block pain signals from reaching the CB1 receptors.

As these receptors relate to the functions listed above this explains some of the ailments which CBD has been shown to help with. Some of these are:

3 different types of CBD

The 3 different types of CBD are:


This contains all of the compounds that are found in the plant they are extracted from (CBD as well as THC, flavonoids, and terpenes).

It is the most commonly found and sold type of CBD and can be found in all the product types listed above.


There is no THC in this type of CBD but it does contain all the other compounds (CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids). Because of this, it is one of the most expensive types and is usually less widely available.

Research has shown that THC helps CBD to work better in something that is called ‘the entourage effect’, meaning that this type of CBD may be less effective in treatment.

CBD Isolate

This is only CBD, it does not contain any additional compounds like flavonoids or THC. Less commonly found it can be bought as a block that can be broken up and eaten.

The lack of potential ‘entourage effect’ can again be brought up, therefore this type may not be as useful in treating ailments – for a list of what CBD can help with this is an article that details everything you need to know.

Taking CBD presents a risk of failing drug tests, due to the presence of THC, no matter how small the amount.

The absence of THC in broad-spectrum and CBD isolate eliminates the risk of failed drug tests.

If your worries surrounding CBD are related to failing drug tests then try these types.

The risk is there with full-spectrum but purchasing from trustworthy, reputable sources minimizes this risk, but not always, as this article by the BBC shows.

What is Hemp oil?

Confusion surrounds the term ‘Hemp oil’ as it is often used incorrectly by brands – purposefully or not – it is used to describe two very different products. These are:

Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract

Often related to CBD oil, this term is used for Hemp extract which has not just the benefits and nutrients of the hemp plant but also contains cannabinoids like CBD and terpenes. Similarly to CBD oil, this hemp oil is legally required to contain less than 0.3% THC.

This is a minuscule amount so it will not lead to any ‘high’ feeling, but as real-life cases have shown, it could lead to a failed drug test.

Unlike CBD oil, Full-spectrum Hemp extract contains many naturally occurring vitamins and minerals as well. Vitamins A, C, and E along with B complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin.

Along with these full-spectrum hemp extract contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorous.

These vitamins and minerals are not all often found in many people’s diets so full-spectrum hemp extract can be a great health supplement to have.

These vitamins and minerals are important for many bodily functions along with building strong bones and improving the health of blood, skin, and hair.

Hemp oil is also a healthy source of protein. People are now being pushed to consume less red meat as it is high in saturated fats.

Hemp oil is a healthier alternative and contains all 20 amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids that must be provided through the diet.

Essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 are offered at the supposed optimal 3:1 ratio.

Is Full-spectrum Hemp extract better than CBD oil?

Full-spectrum Hemp extract contains not just CBD but many other nutrients, giving it more health benefits. Furthermore, the ‘entourage effect’ has been shown to occur because the range of minerals, cannabinoids, and other natural vitamins are all shown to work together, synergistically, encouraging balance in health.

The health benefits of full-spectrum Hemp extract include those of CBD oil and expand upon them with the presence of the other minerals. This, of course, makes it more expensive, but much more beneficial healthwise.

Hemp (Seed) Oil

Commonly, Hemp seed oil is what most people confuse with CBD oil. The production of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil utilizes the stalks, flowers, and leaves of the Hemp plant, which contain the CBD.

However, Hemp seed oil is taken from the seeds of the Hemp plant and not the parts where CBD extract is produced. Because of this Hemp seed oil contains very little if any CBD or other cannabinoids. It does, however, contain most of the other nutrients that full-spectrum Hemp Extract does.

Be cautious and attentive when purchasing these oils

The ever increasing popularity of these oils comes more and more stores and brands attempting to join in on the craze. But, they are mixing up the terminology – purposefully or not.

The two most often mixed up are CBD oil and Hempseed oil, due to the fact that they are both from the cannabis family.

Customers are willing to pay more for CBD oil because of its added benefits when compared to Hemp seed oil. Often Hemp seed oil packaging has a cannabis leaf stuck on and the word cannabis as well, CBD is linked to this and customers believe they are getting just that.

Always read the label and buy from reputable sources when purchasing these oils.

CBD can be labeled as cannabidiol, full-spectrum hemp, hemp oil, PCR or PCR hemp extracts. Hemp seed oil is, more simply, usually just labeled as cannabis Sativa seed oil.

Buying one product over the other won’t be harmful to you, rather you will just not get what you expect in terms of the benefits that are supposedly provided by these often expensive oils and products.


CBD oil and Hemp oil are two different things.

There are two types of Hemp oil, Hemp seed (the most commonly sold) and full spectrum Hemp extract.

Hemp seed oil – which is the oil that is confused with CBD oil – contains no CBD as it only uses the seeds of the hemp plant in production, which contains no cannabinoids. CBD oil comes from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of the Hemp plant, which does contain cannabinoids.

This distinction is not made clear on products so it is always important to read the label to understand what you are actually purchasing.

CBD oil will be listed as one of cannabidiol, full-spectrum hemp, hemp oil, PCR or PCR hemp extracts. Hemp seed oil will be labeled as just that or cannabis Sativa seed oil.

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